
Friday, April 10, 2009

How do Sirul and Azilah look like?

We know how Altantuya looked like. We know how her lover Razak Baginda look like. But we have never seen the faces of Sirul and Azilah. Both cops were sent to the gallows yesterday for the murder of this "Far Eastern Mata Hari" but their faces are not known to us until today.

I asked my photographer friends in the mainstream media. No, there was no conspiracy by the media to not publish the two killer cops' pictures. No, there was never a directive from the police to not publish their pictrues.

I think it is important for members of the public to know how the two look like.

Read the AFP's piece here on the case that the Opposition has been trying to exploit in a bid to stop Najib from being PM.


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